Notes from mounting Android folder over wifi and making backups to Linux machine automatic [2015-10-25]

Author: Grzegorz Wierzowiecki

Writing style remarks

Hi! As I was not writing such tutorial to general audience, I had trouble in balancing tradeoff about assumptions what’s obvious, what’s not to potential reader. I hope you will enjoy, I am happy to receive suggestions, might be in form of git patches against this file (as it’s hosted on github).


Surprisingly, it took more time to find right Android app to mount photos directory of Android device over wifi (not usb cable) as Linux directory.

As I spend a bit of time trying few solutions, this inspired me to share.

Here, I share what I found most robust and flexible to me.
Additionally I extend with a bit of comments that might make those notes helpful also for Linux+Android beginners.

Hopefully this note will let you enjoy your Android files after few minutes :).

Final goal:

My initial motivations:

Requirements and preferences:

Means / Implemented with:

Combination that worked for me:

How To

Linux - Cryptographic Key-Pair generation:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 8192 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_nopass
# * empty password: as I want to use it for automatic passwordless authentication I leave password empty
# * type RSA: as SSH Server on Android supports only RSA and DSA	
# Now, add key to ssh-agent so it can be used by ssh and sshfs
$ eval $(ssh-agent)
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_nopass
# this generates both:
#  * private key: id_rsa_nopass
#  * public key:
# please keep your private key in secret only on your machine and do not transmit
# public key is the only key for public (other people) announcement

Android - Setting up SFTP server:

If section looks lengthy - You can just try do it or follow screenshots!

If you are not scared of lengthy description, let’s go over all options I set, step by step:

Linux - Finding IP address of device

Scanning local network with nmap

My approach is following. As I know that all my devices will run [SFTP] server on some defined and relatively unique to my environment port (let’s use 43210 as example), I decided to scan all internal IPs with nmap:

# Assuming your network is (ifconfig is your friend)
nmap -p 43210 --max-retries 1 --open 

To automate this in my scripts I iterate in a loop over all devices with defined port open:

for ip in $(nmap -p 43210 --max-retries 1 --open | grep -o '\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\{1,3\}'); do
  # magic explained below...

General network -> Use Dynamic DNS

I’ve chosen SSH Server partly due to it’s ability to register IP address via DDNS. However this option I did not yet explored it with this application or written results down, so I encourage, dear readers, to give it a try! (Or maybe even suggest patch to this article as it is github!)

Linux - mounting ssh server despite deprecated ssh-dss key type…

And does not mount:

read: Connection reset by peer

Just mounting with -d debug mode results in :

nullpath_ok: 0
nopath: 0
utime_omit_ok: 0
Unable to negotiate with no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss
read: Connection reset by peer

And now, we know what has happened. As we know from OpenSSH 7.0 announcement ssh-dss keys are deprecated since then and we need to follow OpenSSH legacy instructions to use it, to sum it up: to bypass it we need to pass -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss flag to ssh. (Yes, I know it sucks, but I really didn’t find better SFTP server for android offering more up-to-date crypto and restriction to just read-only ftp (i.e. “no shell”), if you find sth better, please let me know. For now, I consider this still ok for my use case, so let’s continue).

Therefore, let’s run sshfs with following assumptions:

$ sshfs AwesomeUsername@ /path_we_mount -p 43210 -o uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g) -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss

Double check contents of directory!

$ ls -lha /path_we_mount /Camera | tail -n 4
-r-------- 1 gwpl users 153M Oct 20 20:22 VID_20151020_202055.mp4
-r-------- 1 gwpl users 346M Oct 22 23:27 VID_20151022_232428.mp4
-r-------- 1 gwpl users 205M Oct 22 23:29 VID_20151022_232735.mp4
-r-------- 1 gwpl users  52M Oct 23 11:57 VID_20151023_115641.mp4

Making backup with rsync

Now you can run rsync in dry-run (it means, it will not make any changes, just write what would do):

$ rsync --dry-run --recursive --times --progress \
  --exclude '*.thumbnails*' \
  --exclude '*Camera/.aux/.nomedia' \
  --exclude '*Camera/.aux/*' \
  --exclude '*Camera/*.mp4.tmp' \
  --exclude '*Camera/thumbnails/*' \
   /path_we_mount \

I encourage to learn about more flags in man rsync (my usual set if -aAXv), here short survival summary for photo backups:

If output of dry run looks fine and operations such we want to happen, then remove --dry-run flag and run command again, to actually perform operations:

$ rsync --bwlimit=4096KiB  --dry-run --recursive --times --progress \
  --exclude '*.thumbnails*' \
  --exclude '*Camera/.aux/.nomedia' \
  --exclude '*Camera/.aux/*' \
  --exclude '*Camera/*.mp4.tmp' \
  --exclude '*Camera/thumbnails/*' \
  /path_we_mount \

(As you see I limited bandwidth, so give phone and wifi more breathing, but you are free to drop limits.)

Cleanup -> let’s umount device

After everything, let’s umount (opposite to earlier mount):

$ fusermount -u /path_we_mount